Ornithological routes
Bajo Aragón and Matarraña
Bajo Aragón and Matarraña
A circular route around the Saladas de Alcañiz and Calanda lagoons, the riverside Woodland along the River Guadalope and Matarraña county´s typically rocky landscapes.
RESIDENTS: Golden eagle, Griffon vulture, Black-bellied sandgrouse, Pin-tailed sandgrouse, Mediterranean Short-toed lark, Dupont´s lark, Dipper, Kingfisher, Greater spotted woodpecker, Mistle thrush, Iberian grey shrike, Little bustard, bunting, Eagle owl, Grey heron, Cetti´s warbler, Green woodpecker, Great crested grebe, Pochard, Black winged stilt, Shelduck, Mallard.
SUMMER VISITORS: Egyptian vulture, Lesser kestrel, Short-toed eagle, Booted eagle, Greater short-toed lark, Cirl bunting, Common rockthrush, Northern wheatear, Black-eared wheatear, Dartford warbler, Garden warbler, Orphean warbler, Spectacled warbler, Wryneck, Nightingale, Black kite.
WINTER VISITORS: Merlin, Brambling, and Grey plover.
PASSAGE MIGRANTS: Common Redshank, Black kite, Pied flycatcher.
HABITATS: Varied: Riverine forest, canyons and rocky areas, steppe and agricultural mosaic, wetlands and saline lagoons.
This itinerary explores one of the Iberian peninsula´s most important groups of endorreic (saline) lakes which are grouped around Alcañiz. It´s a an unusual habitat where we can observe a great number and variety of birds – from steppe species to birds of prey and several different species of waders.
The route takes us along gullies and hillsides from Jaganta to a great viewpoint over the River Guadalope and the last rocky outcrops around Abenfigo before you descend towards the vegetable gardens around Mas de las Matas. As well as seeing birds typical of this scrubby landscape – several warbler species – this is an area to observe large birds of prey – especially Golden and Bonelli´s eagle.
The Santolea and Pena reservoirs are excellent places for seeing Summer visitors such as Red-rumped swallow as well as many birds of prey and rock dwelling species.
The Mas de Bunyol bird hide is a wonderful observation point for seeing: Golden eagle, Egyptian vulture, Griffon vulture, Short toed eagle, Booted eagle, Common buzzard, Peregrine falcon, Song and Mistle thrushes.
The route through the Parrizal de Beceite is a real treat for naturalists with the sound of water and birdsong accompanying us as we follow paths through bucolic woods and along wooden walkways beneath towering cliffs.