Eurasian Tree Sparrow
BIRDING ARAGÓNEurasian Tree Sparrow
Passer montanus
ES: Gorrión molinero
L: 12.5-14cm; W:20-22cm;
Similar to the rest of the sparrows but smaller in size and with a smaller bill. It has a reddish crown and nape, a small black bib, white cheeks with a black spot, and a white collar. Similar sexes. Juveniles are similar to adults but with more diffuse black cheek patches.
- Observation difficulty: Easy
- Status: Resident
- Optimal Season: Dec-Jan
- Conservation Status: Protected species
- Hábitat: Forest
Best places to see in Aragón
Huesca. Zaragoza. Teruel
Monegros; Bajo Cinca; Campo de Daroca y Jiloca
Special Protected Areas (SPA)