White-winged Snowfinch
BIRDING ARAGÓNWhite-winged Snowfinch
Montifringilla nivalis
ES: Gorrión alpino
L:16.5-19cm; W:34-38cm;
Bird with dark brown back; dark rump and tail coverts; white underparts; wings with black primaries and white secondaries; tail black in centre, white on sides; grey head; black bill in spring and orange in winter. Both sexes are similar, but the male has a bluish-grey crown and nape; ash grey neck; centre of throat black; and the female crown and nape are grey-brown; grey neck, and yellow bill with a black tip during the breeding season. Juveniles resemble the females, but with a browner head, brown eyes and white on the ocher tail.
- Observation difficulty: Hard
- Status: Resident
- Optimal Season: Dec-Jan
- Conservation Status: Protected species
- Hábitat: High mountain
Special interest
Best places to see in Aragón
La Jacetania; Sobrarbe; Ribagorza
Special Protected Areas (SPA)