Red-rumped Swallow
BIRDING ARAGÓNRed-rumped Swallow
Cecropis daurica
ES: Golondrina dáurica
L: 17cm, W: 33cm.
Bird with bluish-black areas on upperparts; ocher nape and rump; pale underparts and diffusely striated; with a forked tail and long outer tail feathers. Both sexes with very similar plumage, although females have shorter external retrix. They build their nests of mud, but unlike the Barn swallow, away from the human environment.
- Observation difficulty: Medium
- Status: Summer
- Optimal Season: Mar-Oct
- Conservation Status: Protected species
- Hábitat:
Special interest
Best places to see in Aragón
Huesca. Zaragoza. Teruel
Hoya de Huesca; Somontano; Tarazona y el Moncayo; Gúdar-Javalambre; Sierra de Albarracín; Cuencas Mineras
Special Protected Areas (SPA)