Yellow-legged Gull
BIRDING ARAGÓNYellow-legged Gull
Larus michahellis
ES: Gaviota patiamarilla
L: 55-67cm; W: 130-158cm;
Opportunistic species in expansion. Adults with gray back; white underparts; gray wing with black tip mottled with white; White glue; yellow legs; yellow bill with a red spot on the tip. Juveniles brown, streaked with dark; tail barred dark; legs and bill black.
- Observation difficulty: Easy
- Status: Resident.
- Optimal Season:Dec-Jan
- Conservation Status: Not threatened
- Hábitat: Wetlands
Best places to see in Aragón
Huesca. Zaragoza. Teruel
Hoya de Huesca; Monegros; Bajo Cinca; Cinco Villas; Bajo Aragón; Caspe; Campo de Daroca y Jiloca
Special Protected Areas (SPA)