Rock Sparrow
Petronia petronia
ES: Gorrión chillón
L: 15-17cm; W:28-32cm;
Bird with a brown back with brown streaks and a white underpart with brown-grey streaks; Thick bill with grey upperparts; head with light supercilium, brown tail, with white circles on the lateral feathers; yellow patch on the upper chest, strong yellowish bill. Both sexes are similar. Juveniles without the yellow patch on chest and overall paler colour.
- Observation difficulty: Easy
- Status: Resident
- Optimal Season: Dec-Jan
- Conservation Status: Protected species
- Hábitat: Forest
Best places to see in Aragón
- Route 4 Sierra Caballera
- Route 5 Sierra and Canyons of Guara Natural Park
- Route 6 Huesca and surroundings
- Route 7 Monegros and Bajo Cinca counties
- Route 9 Zaragoza and surroundings
- Route 10 Caspe and Mequinenza
- Route 11 Belchite and Bajo Martín counties
- Route 13 Hoces del Jalón
- Route 14 Gallocanta Lagoon and surroundings
Huesca. Zaragoza. Teruel
Hoya de Huesca; Somontano; Monegros; Bajo Cinca; Comarca Central; Bajo Aragón; Caspe; Campo Belchite y Bajo Martín; Campo de Cariñena y Valdejalón; Campo de Daroca y Jiloca
Special Protected Areas (SPA)