Ornithological routes
Zaragoza and surroundings
Zaragoza and surroundings
Juslibol meander, Los Sotos Natural Reserve and the Ebro Meanders, Vedado de Peñaflor, Plains of Villanueva and the Castejón Hills.
RESIDENT: Grey Heron, Great White Egret, Cattle Egret, Little Egret, Golden Eagle, Marsh Harrier, Red Kite, Goshawk, Peregrine Falcon, Eagle Owl, Long-eared Owl, Black-bellied Sandgrouse, Pintailed Sandgrouse, Kingfisher, Lesser Spotted Woodpecker, Green Woodpecker, Red-billed Chough, Black Wheatear, Thekla Lark, Calandra Lark, Penduline Tit, Sardinian Warbler, Dartford Warbler, Crossbill, Rock Sparrow.
SUMMER: Night Heron, Purple Heron, Little Bittern, Egyptian Vulture, Short-Toed Eagle, Booted Eagle, Black Kite, Hobby, Lesser Kestrel, Scops Owl, Little Bustard, Stone Curlew, Great Spotted Cuckoo, European Bee-Eater, Hoopoe, Red-Necked Nightjar, Wryneck, Sand Martin, Meadow Pipit, Black-eared Wheatear, Spectacled Warbler, Western Orphean Warbler, Bonelli’s Warbler, Ortolan Bunting.
OVERWINTERING: Hen Harrier, Merlin, Woodcock, Brambling, Reed Bunting.
MIGRANT: Osprey, European Honey-buzzard, Black Stork.
MAMMALS: Wild Boar, Badger, Genet, Red Squirrel, Garden Dormouse.
AMPHIBIANS: Palmate Newt, Marbled Newt, Iberian Green Frog, Natterjack Toad, Midwife Toad.
REPTILES: Southern Smooth Snake, Bedriaga’s Skink, Ocelated Lizard, Spanish Psammodromus, Large Psammodromus.
FISH: Barbel, South-west European nase.
RECOMMENDED TIME OF YEAR: All year round, avoid days with North-west wind, which are frequent.
HABITATS: Wetlands. Stretches of the Ebro river, oxbow lakes, gallery forests, gypsum cliffs, cereal-growing plains, woodlands of scrubby pine, Mediterranean shrubs.

Long-eared Owl. Photo: Volando Libre

Ortolan Bunting
Emberiza hortulana ES: Escribano hortelano Description L: 15-17cm; W:22-26cm; Dark-streaked brown back; ocher underparts, with a yellow throat and moustachial stripe; greenish head; brown bill, pinkish. The female is somewhat paler than the...

Fringilla Montifringilla ES: pinzón real Description L: 14cm; W:24-26cm; This bird presents a marked sexual dimorphism, more striking in winter. Male breeding plumage with black head, bill, and back; in winter with a black-tipped yellowish...

Red Crossbill
Loxia curvirostra ES: Piquituerto común Description L:15-17cm; W:27-30cm; Singular bird due to the peculiarity of its beak. It has a thick head and a low-cut tail; beak with curved and crossed mandibles. Brick-red male; greenish or...

Rock Sparrow
Petronia petronia ES: Gorrión chillón Description L: 15-17cm; W:28-32cm; Bird with a brown back with brown streaks and a white underpart with brown-grey streaks; Thick bill with grey upperparts; head with light supercilium, brown tail, with...

Red-billed Chough
Pyrrhocorax pyrrhocorax ES: chova piquirroja Description L: 37-41cm; W:68-80cm; Corvid with uniform shiny black plumage; long curved bill; red beak and legs. Both sexes do not present differences in terms of plumage. Juveniles with fresh...

Common Reed Bunting
Emberiza schoeniclus ES: Escribano palustre Description L: 15-16.5cm; W:21-28cm; Wintering bird that shows sexual dimorphism in the breeding season. In autumn-winter, both sexes are similar with a reddish-brown head, ocher eyebrow and...

Eurasian Penduline Tit
Remiz pendulinus ES: Pájaro-moscón europeo Description L: 11cm; W:16-17cm; Very small bird, with conical and pointed beak and short wings; with an intense chestnut-scented upperpart and paler underparts, grey head (brown in winter), dark...

Western Bonelli’s Warbler
Phylloscopus bonelli ES: Mosquitero papialbo Description L: 11-12cm; W:16-19cm; Both sexes have identical plumage, with brownish-grey upperparts with greenish tones; white underparts; greenish-yellow rump, edges of coverts and wing...

Western Orphean Warbler
Sylvia hortensis ES: Curruca mirlona Description L: 15cm; W:20-25 cm; The largest of the Iberian warblers. The male has a black mask, forehead and crown, and a white throat; highlights the whitish iris; back grey-brown, smooth; wings and...

Sardinian Warbler
Sylvia melanocephala ES: Curruca cabecinegra Description L:13-14cm; W:15-18cm; Bird that presents a pronounced sexual dimorphism. The adult male has a black crown that reaches below the eyes with a striking red orbital ring; dark grey back...

Spectacled Warbler
Sylvia conspicillata ES: Curruca tomillera Description L: 13-13 cm; W:13-17 cm; Usually unnoticed due to its small size and elusive habits. It shows a marked sexual dimorphism. Male with a grey head and white eyering; brown back and pinkish...

Dartford Warbler
Sylvia undataES: Curruca rabilarga Description L: 12-13cm; W:13-19cm; Species with elusive habits, with similar plumage in both sexes. It has a dark grey back and vinous underparts; vinaceous throat with white flecks; long tail; with...

Black Wheatear
Oenanthe leucura ES: collalba negra Description L: 18cm; W:26-29cm; Uniformly black body (male) or dark brown (female); white rump and undertail coverts; white tail with a central and terminal black band. Both sexes are similar, the male is...

Black-eared Wheatear
Oenanthe hispanicaES: collalba rubia Description L: 14cm; W:25-27cm; Male in breeding plumage with reddish ocher back; rump and upper coverts creamy white; black wings with white trim on the feathers; throat and sides of head black or black...

Tawny Pipit
Anthus campestris ES: Bisbita campestre Description L: 17cm; W:27cm; Summer species spread throughout the Aragon region in consistently low densities, in areas with sparsely covered vegetation. Observation difficulty: Medium Status:...

Sand Martin
Riparian riparian ES: Avión zapador Description L: 12cm. W:28cm. Bird with brown upperparts and white underparts, the chest has a brown band; with a short, slightly forked tail. Both sexes are similar. It nests near water and excavates its...

Thekla Lark
Galerida theklae ES: Cogujada montesina Description L: 17cm W: 28-32cm. Bird with brown plumage very similar to the Crested lark; it has a crest and an eyebrow on its head; outer tail feathers ochre; and a clearly striated chest; ocher...

Calandra Lark
Melanocorypha calandra ES: Calandria común Description L: 18-19cm W: 34-42cm. Crestless head without crown and marked eyebrow, thick and strong beak. Brown upper part, with light edges, chest with fine stripes and two dark lateral spots...

Lesser Spotted Woodpecker
Dendrocopos minor ES: Pico menor Description L: 14-16 cm W: 24 -29 cm. Observation difficulty: Hard Status: Resident. Optimal Season: Dec-Jan Conservation Status: Protected species Habitat: Riverbanks Best places to see in Aragón ...

Great Spotted Woodpecker
Dendrocopos major ES: Pico picapinos Description L: 23-26 cm. W: 38 – 44 cm. Back black, with two white spots on shoulders: white throat and chest; red underparts; white cheek and forehead; dark with white mottling wings; black tail with...

European Green Woodpecker
Picus viridis ES: Pito real Description L: 16-17cm W: 25-27cm.This insectivorous bird has cryptic plumage with a grey-brown back; grey underparts with ocher chest and throat; transversely streaked grey and brown tail; brown beak and legs....

Eurasian Wryneck
Jynx torquillaES: Torcecuello euroasiático Description L: 16-17cm W: 25-27cm. This insectivorous bird has cryptic plumage with a grey-brown back; grey underparts with ocher chest and throat; transversely streaked grey and brown tail; brown...

Upupa epops ES: Abubilla Description L 25-28cm. W: 44-48 cm. Brown back, with black and white transverse stripes; pinkish-wine chest, with white underparts; fawn-coloured head with a pinkish crest tipped with black and white; black wings...

European Bee-eater
Merops apiaster ES: Abejaruco europeo Description L: 27-29cm W: 44-49cm. Colourful insectivorous bird, with reddish-brown crown and anterior part of the back; golden yellow back; tail and underparts green; yellow throat and eyes covered by...

Common Kingfisher
Alcedo atthis ES: Martín pescador comúnr Description L: 15-17cm W: 24-26cm. Bluish above, brownish-orange below, white throat, with a white spot on both sides of the neck. Sexual dimorphism is not very evident and is limited to the colour...

Red-necked Nightjar
Caprimulgus ruficollis ES: Chotacabras cuellirrojo Description L: 30-34cm; W: 60-65cm. Bird very similar to the European nightjar, but larger and with a reddish "collar"; It presents reddish-brown color; wings and tail brown with transverse...

Long-eared Owl
Asio otus ES: Búho chico Description L: 31-37cm; W: 86-98 cm; Nocturnal raptor with striking facial design. It has a gray-brown to reddish-brown back, speckled with brown; ocher underparts; reddish-brown flight feathers; tail rufous with...

Eurasian Eagle-Owl
Bubo bubo ES: Búho real Description L: 57-75cm; W:140-188cm; Large nocturnal bird of prey with an ocher general color, speckled with dark; brown wings with transverse ocher stripes; white throat; bill dark; feet covered in buff feathers;...

Great Spotted Cuckoo
Clamator glandarius ES: Críalo europeo Description L:35-39cm ; W: 54-60cm; Medium-Siced bird, grayish brown on the back, dotted with white spots, like the wing; ventral area whitish, with a dark mask, ocher-yellowish throat. It sports a...

Pin-tailed Sandgrouse
Pterocles alchata ES: Ganga ibérica Description L: 31-39cm; W: 55cm; Steppe smaller in size than the white-bellied sandgrouse. In breeding plumage, the male has a yellow-speckled back; black and yellow barred rump and long tail; Deep ocher...

Black-bellied Sandgrouse
Pterocles orientalis ES: Ganga ortega Description L: 34-36cm; W: 65-70cm; Steppe bird with camouflage colors, compact and voluminous body, long wings and black belly. Male with gray back mottled with yellow; gray head, neck and breast;...

Eurasian Woodcock
Scolopax rusticola ES: Chocha perdiz Description L: 33-38cm; W: 55-65cm; Wader of forest and solitary habits. Both sexes are similar, their cryptic plumage stands out, with gray upperparts with black and ocher stripes; gray underparts,...

Little Bustard
Tetrax tetrax ES: Sisón común Description In breeding plumage, the male has an ocher hood with black striations and the rest of the head is gray; black neck with white stripes, followed by a white and a black collar. In non-breeding...

Peregrine Falcon
Falco peregrinus ES: Halcón peregrino Description L: 38-51cm; W: 89-113cm; The largest of the falcons of the Iberian Peninsula. Adults with bluish gray back; pale underparts, finely barred with dark; dark head with broad mustache; tail...

Eurasian Hobby
Falco subbuteo ES: Alcotán europeo Description L:29-33cm; W: 74-83cm; Adults with slate-colored backs; pale underparts; dark mustache; feathers of the breeches and underbelly reddish; gray tail; pale wings below. Juveniles brown and...

Falco columbariusES: Esmerejón Description L: 26-33cm; W: 55-69cm; The smallest of the European falcons. Adult male with slate gray back, finely striated; reddish underparts, streaked with brown; dark gray tail, with thin bands smaller than...

Lesser Kestrel
Falco naumanni ES: Cernícalo primilla Description L:26-31cm; W: 66-72cm; Raptor with pointed wings and long tail, with a black band near the end; light nails; back brown, mottled only in female; light ocher underparts, speckled with dark;...

Pandion haliaetusES: Águila pescadora Description 60-71cm. White head, with a black band on the sides; dark brown upperparts; white underparts, with brown pectoral band; wings dark above and light below, with a dark spot; primaries with...

Booted Eagle
Aquila pennata ES: Águila calzada Description L: 42-51cm; W:110-135cm; With feathers on the tarsi, covering even the fingers. It has two types of plumagW: a light phase with white underparts; neck and breast often with a tawny band; ocher...

Golden Eagle
Aquila chrysaetos ES: Águila real Description L: 76-96cm; W: 180-230cm; One of the best known birds of prey. The adult has dark brown plumage; head and nape golden; tail with diffuse transverse bands. In adult birds, the male has a darker...

Common Buzzard
Buteo buteo ES: Busardo ratonero Description L: 46-58cm; W:110-132cm; A very common raptor, with highly variable plumage from very light to very dark colors, with everything in between. Generally brown-backed; pale underparts, streaked;...

Northern Goshawk
Accipiter gentilis ES: Azor común Description L: 49-56cm; W: 89-122cm; Forest raptor with short, rounded wings and a long tail; yellow or orange eyes; tail with 4-5 brown bands; brown-gray upperparts; pale underparts finely streaked with...

Northern Harrier
Circus cyaneusES: Aguilucho pálido Description L: 44-55cm; W: 97 - 118cm; Adult male with gray head and back; gray underparts on chest and white on rest; wing tips black; gray tail; white rump. Adult female with dark brown back; light brown...

Western Marsh Harrier
Circus aeruginosus ES: Aguilucho lagunero occidental Description L: 43-55cm; W: 115-140cm; The largest harrier in the Peninsula. Adult male with pale head, streaked with dark brown; brown upperparts; gray wings with blackish tips; gray tail...

Short-toed Snake Eagle
Circaetus gallicusES: Culebrera europea Description L: 62-69cm; W: 160-175cm; Raptor with brown back and large head; tail with four transverse dark bands, the terminal one wider; dark throat and chest; white underparts streaked with brown;...

Egyptian Vulture
Neophron perchnopterus ES: Alimoche común Description L: 55-65cm; W: 148-171cm; Adults white except wing feathers; head and throat without feathers, yellow. Both sexes are of similar size and plumage, the male being a little smaller than...

Red Kite
Milvus milvus ES: Milano real Description L: 60-66cm; W: 154-166cm; Back and neck brown, fringed with chestnut and reddish in appearance; reddish underparts, streaked; cap and nape whitish and streaked; wings brown, with a pale base, and a...

Black Kite
Milvus migransES: Milano negro Descripción L: 55-60cm; W: 130-155cm. Brown-backed bird; striped reddish brown underparts; clear crown streaked with black; Wings dark brown, with a diffuse dark spot at the base of the primaries; barred...

European Honey Buzzard
Pernis apivorus ES: Abejero europeo Description L:52-59cm, W:115-135cm. Bird with a brown back and some pale fringes; light underside with dark mottling; wings brown and light on the underside; with a general appearance very similar to the...

Black Stork
Ciconia nigra ES: Cigüeña negra Description L: 95-100 cm; W: 145-155 cm; Similar in size and shape to the white or common stork, from which it differs in its shiny black plumage and distinctive white underparts. Red beak and legs....

Purple Heron
Ardea purpurea ES: Garza imperial Description L: 70-90cm; W: 110-145cm; Back and wing coverts slate, with chestnut scapulars in breeding plumage; underparts wine-brown; chestnut head and neck, with two lateral black stripes on the neck;...

Grey Heron
Ardea cinereaES: Garza real Description L: 84-102cm; W: 155-175cm; Back and wing coverts gray; head white, with black eye line; white collar, with a double line of black stripes; white underparts; yellow beak and greenish or reddish legs....

Great Egret
White Egretta ES: Garceta grande Description L: 85-100cm; W:145-170cm; White color; bill dark in breeding season and yellow in winter; legs and toes blackish green; in breeding plumage with elongated feathers on chest, back and scapulars....

Little Egret
Egretta garzetta ES: Garceta común Description L: 55-65cm; W: 88-106cm; White; bill dark; black legs with yellow toes; in breeding plumage with elongated feathers on the chest, back, scapulars and head. Both sexes have similar plumage....

Cattle Egret
Bubulcus ibis ES: Garcilla bueyera Description L: 45-52cm; W: 82-95cm; Almost completely white plumage, with ocher spots on the hood, chest and back during the breeding season, which fade in winter; orange legs, beak and eyes during the...

Black-crowned Night Heron
Nycticorax nycticorax ES: Martinete común Description L: 58-65cm; W:90-100cm; Adult with black back, crown and nape; wings, rump and tail bluish; rest of plumage white. Both sexes are similar in plumage. Juveniles are brown with white...

Little Bittern
Ixobrychus minutus ES: Avetorillo común Description L:33-38cm; W:52-58cm; Summer visitor to wetlands. Adult male has black upperparts, wings, and tail; suede collar and bottoms; white spot on wing. Adult female similar to male, but less...